exploit the guidelines and demonstrate your own creative style.

A List Of Thought-Provoking Thesis Topic Ideas On Psychology

The thought of coming up with a superb topic idea for your psychology thesis can certainly seem overwhelming. You may have had some ideas along the way during your last few years of school, but how do you sift through them? You may feel like you need a longer list to choose from, and it’s normal to feel that way. Here is a list of intriguing thesis ideas for psychology you can use as a starting place. They may spur a new idea you haven’t thought of before.

  1. Psychological status and mental health well-being of adolescent single females living in urban slums in China.

  2. How teacher-child relationships affect the social and emotional outcomes of a diverse population of children in daycare.

  3. Examining the role of race in the relationship between depression and adherence to dietary restrictions in youth diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

  4. The role late entry into school plays in the maturation rate of kindergarten aged children.

  5. The phenomenon of intentional forgetting of facts and how it may be related to gender or upbringing.

  6. A study of fourth grade students to determine which form of mathematical division works best.

  7. Mathematic anxiety in high school students: possible relation to depressive symptoms.

  8. The effect of a high sugar diet on severity of ADHD symptoms in fifth grade boys in Dallas, Tx.

  9. A 12 year follow-up to determine the effectiveness and detail of children’s memories of particular medical emergencies.

  10. The effects and role of extent of community involvement as related to state of mental health: comparing the differences between genders.

Background Research in Topic Selection

When looking through your list and deciding which psychology thesis topic you want to base your paper on, it would be highly beneficial to conduct a little research and see if your top favorite three topics have a good amount of sources. You don’t want it to be so general you are inundated with too many sources, yet you don’t want it so specific that you are lacking in the amount of good, reliable background material you will need in order to build a great paper.

There are several ways to narrow down your topic to make it more specific. One is to base a study on gender, location, or age group. In other words, slightly alter the demographics so it is a study of a smaller group of people. Another way is to limit the study to a certain time frame.

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